Is Basement Flood Clean Up in Ventura Affected By Types of Water?

Basement flood clean up in Ventura needs to happen right away. This isn’t something that you want to handle yourself. It takes up a lot of time, and you need to make sure everything is fully dry before starting any sort of restoration work.

Different types of water will have an affect on the type of clean up that is needed. There are three types of water, with some more serious than others.

Clean Water Is Common in Basements

The easiest type of water to clean up is clean water. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to act fast, but it is the type of water that causes the least damage when it comes to contaminants. Basement flood clean up in Ventura is often going to be clean water, unless it’s due to storm damage.

You may have a burst pipe in the house, or maybe you had sink water overflow and lead down into the basement. As long as it’s not the sewage pipe, you’re dealing with clean water.

This type of water doesn’t pose an immediate threat to your health. It has no fecal matter or other contaminants in. It could be due to the water tank bursting or melting snow working its way into the home. Some people will clean up the water themselves, but it’s worth hiring a professional to get the job done quickly.

Clean water can become greywater. This is if it’s left for more than 48 hours. Standing water creates bacteria that become a problem.

Greywater Could Be a Health Risk

Greywater can also be referred to as sullage. This is somewhat contaminated, but not with fecal matter or anything that poses an immediate threat. It’s often from overflowing bathtubs or leaking dishwashers. There are some pathogens that can cause health problems for those with compromised immune systems, so it’s important to act fast on this basement flood clean up in Ventura with a professional.

Greywater can also be due to flooding from a weather event. It’s often from it running over the ground and into the home. Rubber boots and gloves are necessary to avoid passing on any contaminants to you.

This type of water needs to be cleaned up within 48 hours. If it’s not, it can turn to blackwater, and this is the most serious. Greywater tends to get into furniture, drywall, and carpets, and it could mean that they all need to be replaced rather than restored.

Blackwater Is the Most Serious

Blackwater is anything that has fecal matter and other serious contaminants. It often comes from overflowed toilets with toilet paper and other human waste inside it. The basement flood clean up in Venture needs to be handled by a professional as quickly as possible. This poses a health threat to everyone.

The water with all the contaminants will get into everything in the home. It often means a complete restoration is needed to avoid future health issues.

Understanding the type of water that has flooded your basement is important. You then have the basics needed for basement flood clean up in Ventura.


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